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Oral Hygiene Tips for Teens with Invisalign Braces

If you are considering Invisalign braces to straighten your teeth discreetly, it is important that you know how to care for your teeth and your Invisalign braces throughout the treatment to get the best results.  In this article, we provide 5 tips to take care of your teeth and braces.

Invisalign is a highly effective teeth straightening system which uses customized clear braces that need to be maintained in top condition if you want to achieve the smile of your dreams seamlessly and enjoy the results for long-term.

These invisible braces can be removed for brushing and eating but that does not mean you don’t need to clean them or you can skip brushing your teeth before you wear them again.

 Why it is Important to Clean and Care for Your Invisalign Braces

Lack of good oral hygiene leads to the buildup of bacteria in your Invisalign braces, leaving your teeth susceptible to decay, deterioration and ddiscolouration– all of which will eventually negate the cosmetic and oral health benefits of your Invisalign treatment.

Busy teens often struggle with Invisalign hygiene which causes their teeth aligners to stain and stink over time. Following these 5 simple Invisalign hygiene tips will help in keeping the clear braces in their top condition for a positive outcome.

5 Tips to Take Care of Your Teeth and Keep Your Clear Braces Clean

Use Technology to Your Advantage – Schedule a Reminder

Leaving for school early in the morning, coming home late and falling asleep over homework at night – this schedule makes it difficult to follow the Invisalign hygiene routine.

Setting reminders on the phone makes it easier for busy teens to keep both the Invisalign braces and the teeth clean by brushing them carefully twice a day. When brushing your Invisalign braces, avoid toothpaste and be sure to use a soft bristled brush, gently working on your aligners using circular motions.

Print a Calendar and Put it Up in the Bathroom

Teens often forget to change their clear braces on a regular basis. This can cause the Invisalign braces to turn yellow and dirty.

Creating a calendar and putting it up in the bathroom next to the medicine cabinet will act as an effective reminder for changing and cleaning the invisible braces.

Get a Cleaning Kit for Optimal Oral Health

Using an Invisalign cleaning kit is the best way to keep your clear braces fresh and clean throughout the treatment. The kit is very simple to use – all you need to do is soak your clear braces in the cleaning crystals while you are eating and meanwhile it will remove all the buildup and plaque in just 15 minutes.

Store the Teeth Aligners Safely When not in Use

Aligners can be easily removed when you are eating, playing or when you need to clean them but this creates a new problem. Teens often forget their aligners on the bathroom sink, at the dinner table or in the lunch tray. This is when the clear braces come in contact with bacteria, allowing them to survive and thrive.

So, every time you remove your aligners rinse them off with water and store them in a clean, dry container until you need to wear them again.

Consult Your Orthodontist

Orthodontic Treatment

Invisalign is a highly effective tooth straightening treatment and a great investment that gives you a healthy, beautiful smile but it is equally important that you take proper care of your clear braces.

An orthodontist can help you understand the importance of maintaining Invisalign hygiene and also recommend safe and effective ways to care for your clear braces and your teeth throughout your treatment.

To protect your flawless smile following your treatment, you should brush and floss regularly. Additionally, you should drink a lot of water following every meal to help remove harmful bacteria and food.

Of course, there would be times when you eat outside and are unable to brush your teeth at night but make sure you rinse your mouth with a mouthwash on such occasions to keep your teeth in top shape.

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