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When do Wisdom Teeth come in

When do Wisdom Teeth come in?

Not everyone has wisdom teeth, changes in our diet and other factors have influenced the fact that some people never have their wisdom teeth come out.

However, for those that do have them, when they erupt, they can sometimes become infected or impacted, which can cause a lot of discomforts and may even need to be extracted.

Our adult teeth begin to come out and replace our baby teeth around the age of six. For the most part, the first ones to erupt are the central incisors, then the lateral incisors and the molars. When we are 13 we should have all our adult teeth in place, except the third molars or wisdom teeth.

These third molars are quite unpredictable because one really can’t tell when they will come in or how, or even if they will erupt altogether. There are cases where people only have two, or the whole set of four, or none at all.

If and when the wisdom teeth come out, they can bring a series of problems that include pain, swelling, and inflammation. They tend to erupt between the ages of 17 and 25 years old.

When do Wisdom Teeth come in 2Sometimes they “decide” to come out when our facial features haven’t fully grown, so the third molars don’t have enough space in the jaws, this often results in them coming out at an awkward angle and therefore becoming impacted and/or infected. In these cases, they may need to be extracted.

But why do we have a third set of molars anyway? As an overall rule, any molars that we have are there to help grind and chew our food. But, since they come in so late in life, they can sometimes present problems if there isn’t enough room for them to erupt.

One of the theories as to why we are having less space in our jaws for these third molars is that our diet has changed quite a bit in the last few generations.

Things like decreased breastfeeding rates, softer foods are given to infants and too little K2 vitamin ingestion have all to do with these morphological changes in our jaws that have caused an underdeveloped jaw in humans.

When do Wisdom Teeth come in 3How do you know if your wisdom teeth are coming out?

While you may feel pain when wisdom teeth are coming out, any pain at the back of your jaws isn’t necessarily caused by the emergence of these four teeth.

TMJ causes similar symptoms, so check with your dentist for that too. However, watch out for these signs as they may point to third molars wanting to come out:

  • Swollen gums or visible cuts.
  • Pressure or throbbing in the gum area in the back of your jaws.
  • Headaches and earaches that are persistent. This happens when they’re trying to emerge but there isn’t enough room, so the pressure that builds up in the neighboring teeth and tissues can cause pain that is sometimes referred to other areas.
  • Rinsing and vigorous brushing provide relief.

There’s a common belief that third molars can cause a misalignment in the rest of your teeth, however, there is no real, clinical evidence that this is true.

 Why does it hurt when they come out?

We might not remember it very well, but whenever we had a tooth come out, it hurt. After all, we are having our gums opened by a hard, sharp tooth, and our bone has had to adjust to those changes too, so naturally, it will cause discomfort.

So, wisdom teeth are no exception; but since it happens when are adults, we make a bigger deal out of it. But, there are other reasons why it can cause pain.

If there isn’t enough room for it to come out, it can try to erupt at an odd angle, sometimes pushing against a neighboring tooth or impacting it, and that can cause pain. If it erupts, but partially, bacteria can enter the area and cause an infection.

Tooth Sensitive to Cold

Tooth Sensitive to Cold

Tooth sensitivity to cold temperatures can be a real bummer, especially when it’s a hot, sunny day and you’re really craving ice cream or an ice cold lemonade.

These normally soothing and refreshing moments can be quite painful and uncomfortable if your teeth are sensitive to coldness, and when this happens, you should see a dentist.

Sensitivity to cold drinks and food isn’t that uncommon, and in order to get rid of it, it’s important to know why it’s happening in the first place. Like all health issues, especially those that cause pain, it’s never a good idea to leave it untreated.

“Dental hygiene is not just the gateway to a radiant smile, it’s also your shield against the chill. Brushing, flossing, and regular check-ups can safeguard you from the cold touch of tooth sensitivity and oral infections. Keep your oral health in check, stay warm, and smile on.”

Says Principle Dentist Sapna Chauhan at the Hayes Dental Clinic London

Tooth Sensitive to Cold 2

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms are quite obvious and the main one is pain or discomfort after you eat or drink something cold. It can happen suddenly and the pain level varies; it can be mild, moderate or severe.

Some people that experience tooth sensitivity also feels pain when they brush their teeth and sometimes when they floss too. Pain to these otherwise innocuous activities should be dealt with quickly.

When brushing your teeth or flossing becomes a painful experience, the most common response is to avoid it, so this usually leads to poor dental hygiene, which will surely make matters worse. It can lead to gum disease, cavities, or even tooth loss.

What causes tooth sensitivity?


Tooth sensitivity is usually a symptom of something else and it can range from a minor problem to a very serious one. Which is why it’s important to find out why it’s happening. Some of the reasons why you would feel pain when ingesting cold foods or drinks include:

Brushing too hard:

  • If you brush your teeth too vigorously and have a hard bristled brush to boot, that can cause your enamel to wear down. Enamel is the outer layer of the tooth and it protects the inner layer called dentin.
  • If dentin becomes exposed, then the nerve endings of the tooth will be exposed too. When they come into contact with the cold, their response will be a sharp burst of pain.

Acidic foods:

  • Another factor that can damage and wear down the enamel of the teeth and again, expose dentin. Foods like lemons, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, carbonated drinks, all increase the likelihood of the enamel wearing down.

Gum disease:

  • Having a good dental hygiene routine is very important to prevent tooth sensitivity. If you allow plaque to build up along the gumline, this will become a perfect environment for bacteria to grow and possibly lead to your gums becoming infected and inflamed.
  • If this occurs and isn’t treated, the gum tissue could get damaged and it will cause the gums to recede, exposing nerve endings on the root.

Grinding your teeth:

  • If you have a problem with tooth grinding while you sleep or during the day, this can also expose the dentin as the enamel wears down.

Tooth decay:

  • If you have a cavity that hasn’t been treated or if an old filling has fractured or fallen out, those nerve endings in the dentin are exposed.
  • Basically, anything that can lead to your dentin becoming exposed to contact with what you eat and drink can be listed as a cause for tooth sensitivity.

Tooth Sensitive to Cold 3

How is it treated?

The first step is to go to the dentist. Tooth sensitivity isn’t something you can treat at home. You may be able to get rid of the pain for a while with some home remedies but to treat the actual problem, you need to see a certified dentist.

Once the dentist makes diagnoses on where and why the dentin is exposed, they will carry out a treatment plan that will restore the health and function to your teeth.

How to treat Gingivitis 2

How to treat Gingivitis?

Gingivitis or gum disease is a rather common condition that affects the gums and bone tissue of the mouth. It’s basically an infection of the gum tissue and one of the first symptoms is bleeding when you brush your teeth.

When it only affects the gums it’s called gingivitis, but once it affects the bone tissue it’s known as periodontitis, and it is more serious since it can cause damage to the bone structure and lead to tooth loss.

Both conditions, gingivitis, and periodontitis, can raise your risk of other diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, heart disease, pneumonia, and even cancer. It’s very important to treat them as soon as possible.

how to treat gingivitis

Symptoms of gingivitis

Before it gets too serious, it’s important to know what to look for so that you can treat the problem quickly. Some of the most common symptoms of gingivitis include:

  • Swollen and red gums: this is one of the first signs that you will notice and it is a definite red flag. They probably will tender and bleed easily when you brush your teeth or you floss.
  • Bad breath: remember that your mouth is home to a huge amount of bacteria. Some of that bacteria is good for you and some of it, not so much. But they all feed on a plaque, so if you have lots of plaque, the bacteria will have a feast, as a result, they will release certain toxins that can irritate the tissues and as a bonus, they have a bad smell.
  • Gums getting smaller: if your bones start to break down, the gums go along with it, separating from the tooth and pulling back. This is actually called receding gums and it is a big sign of trouble.
  • Sensitive teeth: this goes hand in hand with receding gums since the dentin becomes exposed. Dentin is very sensitive, so things like cold foods and beverages can cause pain when ingested.

Treatment for gingivitis

The main goal in the treatment of gingivitis is to control the infection that is affecting the gums. Once your dentist has determined the severity of the problem, they will begin a treatment plan to ensure that your gums are healthy again. Some of the steps they might take are:

  • Deep cleaning: first things first; a careful, deep cleaning of the teeth is the first line of treatment. This includes removing tartar, both above and below the gum line through a procedure called scaling and also smoothing out the surface of the root of your teeth, or root planning, so that the gums can easily reattach themselves to the tooth.
  • Medication: in some cases, the dentist might prescribe some medication to help deal with gingivitis. Things like an antibiotic gel to apply on your gum pockets after a cleaning, enzyme suppressants, and oral antibiotic if the infection is severe.
  • Surgery: sometimes the problem is so severe that surgery to help fix the damaged tissues is needed. Procedures like gum grafting; where tissue from another part of your mouth is used to cover exposed roots. Also, flap surgery is sometimes used; where the gum is lifted so that the dentist can remove tartar that is too deep to reach through scaling or root planing.

It’s important to keep in mind that the best option for gingivitis is to prevent it altogether, by having a good oral hygiene routine and visiting your dentist at least twice a year for regular cleaning sessions.

Symptoms of Tooth Infection Spreading to Body

Symptoms of Tooth Infection Spreading to Body

To leave a tooth infection untreated can have some very serious consequences to your health. It’s very important that as soon as you notice the symptoms of a tooth infection, or abscess, developing in your mouth you must go immediately to the dentist and receive the proper treatment.

A tooth abscess can appear in several places inside your mouth; such as at the root of the tooth or between the tooth and the gum.

If that abscess ruptures, the bacteria and pus inside it can spread and damage the surrounding bone, neighboring teeth, and even the bloodstream, in which case it means that it can travel to other parts of your body, including your brain, heart, and other vital organs.

If it does rupture, the sharp pain that is often associated with the abscess will usually decrease or even go away altogether, which can lead to making the person believe that there’s no need to see the dentist anymore.

But in reality, if this happens, it’s even more crucial that they see a dentist as soon as possible. Like stated before, the bacteria can easily spread to other areas and even cause a very dangerous infection called sepsis.

How do I know if I have an abscess or tooth infection?

Some of the most common symptoms for an abscess include:

  • A sharp, throbbing, shooting, and severe pain in the tooth that won’t go away.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • Swollen lymph glands in the neck or jaw.
  • Extreme sensitivity when chewing or too cold and hot temperatures.
  • A swollen area that resembles a pimple or a small lump in the gum of the tooth.
  • A sudden bitter tasting and foul-smelling fluid in your mouth at the same time that the pain goes away (this happens when the abscess has ruptured).

It’s important to seek treatment from your dentist if you have any of these symptoms. Failure to do so can not only risk having the infection spread but also it can mean the difference between saving your tooth and having it extracted.

A quick diagnosis can mean just having a root canal treatment and a week of antibiotics or it can mean losing the entire tooth and complicating matters more by adding that extra risk of further infection.


How do I know if the infection is spreading?

If you suspect that the tooth infection is spreading, you must seek emergency medical attention. The longer you wait, it will become more difficult to treat and increase the risk to your overall health. Some of the symptoms of the infection spreading include:

  • Fever or low body temperature.
  • General malaise or feeling “under the weather”.
  • Dizziness.
  • A headache.
  • Swelling of the face and neck.
  • Chills or shivers.
  • Fast breathing.
  • Fast heartbeat.
  • Hot and cold flushes.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Low urine output.
  • Diarrhea or vomiting.
  • Change in mental status or agitation.

If the bacteria have entered the bloodstream, then sepsis is a very real complication that can occur. After performing a number of tests, your doctor will determine if that’s the case and if so, will most likely place in the ICU in the hospital.

Through intravenous medication, they will try to stop the infection, regulate your blood pressure and prevent vital organs from malfunctioning.

Antibiotics for Tooth Infection

Antibiotics for Tooth Infection

A tooth infection, also known as an abscessed tooth, is when a pocket of pus is formed in an area close to the tooth or at the root, and it is caused by a bacterial infection. The most common reasons for developing a tooth infection are:

  • Tooth decay: if a cavity reaches the pulp or the nerve tissue inside your tooth, it can become infected and cause an abscess.
  • Injuries: if you have an accident that fractured your tooth or that caused inflammation of the nerve tissue inside the tooth, it can lead to it forming an abscess.
  • Previous dental work: sometimes dental work isn’t performed properly, leaving behind decaying dental tissue that continues to spread unknowingly, or maybe nerve damage was caused by a sloppy technique.

Tooth infections can cause a lot of discomforts, they are usually quite painful, and the person will also present swelling in the area, as well as sensitivity to hot or cold foods and beverages.

It is important to know that tooth infections can be dangerous if left untreated, since they can spread to nearby areas of the body, including your brain. So, if you get a tooth infection, don’t wait to see a dentist.

It’s important to get treatment as soon as possible to prevent an infection from spreading. Part of the treatment for the infection will include an antibiotic to help kill the bacteria that is causing it.

Which antibiotics are used for these infections?

Some tooth infections can be solved just by draining the abscess and don’t need an antibiotic to continue the healing process, other cases might require a root canal treatment or the extraction of the tooth. However, in some cases an antibiotic is needed when certain conditions are present:

  • If the infection is severe and treatment of the tooth alone won’t solve the problem.
  • If the infection has already begun to spread to other areas of the head.
  • If the person has a weakened immune system.

Depending on what type of bacteria is causing your tooth infection, your dentist will prescribe a certain antibiotic. There are several types of these medications that have different mechanisms to fight off and kill bacteria.

However, the most commonly used kind of antibiotics is those of the penicillin class, for example, penicillin or amoxicillin. Another antibiotic that is used often and prescribed with penicillin is metronidazole, which would cover a broader bacterial spectrum.

Although penicillin antibiotics are very widely used as the treatment for tooth infections, a lot of people are allergic to them. So if you’ve had any type of allergic reaction to any medication before, it’s very important that you tell your dentist about it.

For those that are allergic to penicillin, the most common options are clindamycin or erythromycin.

Antibiotics for Tooth Infection 2

What’s the dosage and for how long?

Normally antibiotics in these cases need to be taken for seven to ten days, and how many times a day depends on the antibiotics.

It’s very important that you follow the instructions given to you by either the pharmacist or dentist on how to take the medication. Cutting it short, even if the symptoms disappear, will allow the surviving bacteria to restart the infection and it will become harder to treat again.

what is Guar Gum

What is Guar Gum?

Guar gum is a galactomannan polysaccharide that is extracted from guar beans. This substance has thickening and stabilizing properties that are often used in industries like food, textile, paper, and others.

The guar seeds are dehusked, then hydrated, milled and lastly they are screened to determine for which application they will be used. Guar gum is normally presented as an off-white powder.

Guar beans are mostly found in India, Pakistan, Australia, Africa, and the U.S. The largest producer is India, where approximately 2.5-3 million tons of guar are made per year; this constitutes about 80% of the entire world production.

In the U.S., production of guar is estimated to be around 4,600 to 14,000 tonnes in the last 5 years.

Properties of Guar Gum

Chemically speaking, guar gum is a polysaccharide that is made up of galactose and mannose. It is able to withstand up to 176°F for five minutes before breaking down.

The backbone of guar gum is a linear chain of β 1,4-linked mannose residues, where galactose residues are found at every second mannose, forming short branches.

These short branches make it more soluble than other gums. Guar gum doesn’t gel on its own, but when cross-linked with borax or calcium, it will.

Under extreme pH levels and temperature, it will degrade, strong acids will cause it to lose viscosity and will cause hydrolysis. It is also insoluble in most hydrocarbon solvents.


Uses of Guar Gum

It is often used as a thickening agent in foods and medicines, and since it is gluten-free, it is also used as a replacement of wheat flour in baked products.

It has been shown to provide health benefits because it lowers blood glucose levels and reduces serum cholesterol. Also for those that want to lose weight, ingesting it will make the person feel “full” sooner, because of its water absorption properties.

It is also used in hydraulic fracturing, as an emulsifier and a stabilizer as well; it prevents oil droplets from coalescing and it also prevents solid particles from separating and/or settling.


For industrial applications, guar gum is also very widely used. Some of its applications include:

  • Textile industry: in sizing printing and finishing.
  • Paper industry: it gives for a better sheet formation, folding and it provides a denser surface for printing.
  • Explosives: it is used as a waterproofing agent.
  • Pharmaceutical industry: it is found as the main ingredient in some bulk-forming laxatives, or as a binder or disintegrator in tablets.
  • Cosmetics and toiletries industries: as a thickener in toothpaste, also in shampoos as a conditioner.

Medicinal Effects and Nutrition

In health and medicine, it is also used for its known benefits. As a laxative, it has been proven to be very effective because it’s a water-soluble fiber, so it promotes regular bowel movements and help with constipation and other chronic bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease, colitis, diverticulosis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

It has been shown to reduce serum cholesterol levels significantly after ingesting guar gum; this is thought to be the result of its high soluble fiber content.

It is also of great use in weight loss and diabetic diets. Since it is not easily digested, it is used as a filler, making the person feel full faster and thus eats less amount and slows down the entire digestion of a meal. This results in a lower glycemic index.

what are teeth made up of

What are Teeth Made of?

Human teeth have specific functions, among them, we can mention phonetic functions for when we speak, mechanical functions for when we eat, and an aesthetical function since they provide our face with correct vertical proportions and when we talk and smile our teeth give us a pleasing appearance.

When we eat, our teeth are the ones that break down what we’re chewing, by crushing and cutting them so that we can swallow them and the digestion process can happen effectively.

Humans have four types of teeth; incisors, canines, premolars and molars, all of them have a specific job to do. Incisors have a sharp edge to help cut the food, canines tear the food and premolars and molars are there to crush and grind the food.

Every tooth has a long and strong root that is embedded in the bone; in the upper jaw that bone is called maxilla and in the lower jaw it is called mandible. The roots and a small portion of the tooth are covered by your gums.

Teeth are made up of different tissues, and they vary on hardness and density. Teeth are one of the most easily recognizable features of any mammal species, and they last for a very long time since it is very difficult for teeth to degrade and it can take many, many years to do so.

Humans, like several other types of mammals, are diphyodont, and this means that they develop two sets of teeth in their life. A set of “baby teeth” or deciduous teeth, and a set of permanent teeth.


What are teeth made of?

Like we said before, teeth are made up of different types of tissues, and they vary in hardness and density.


  • Enamel is the hardest and the most highly mineralized substance in the human body. Around 95% of the composition of enamel is made up of minerals, while the other 5% is water and organic material. It comprises the outer layer of the tooth, above the dentin, which is right underneath it.
  • The natural color of enamel varies; it can go from a light yellow to a grayish white. It is semitranslucent, so the color of the dentin underneath it or any restorative material will affect the color of the tooth.
  • The primary mineral that makes up the enamel is called hydroxyapatite; a crystalline calcium phosphate. While this is a very hard substance, it is also quite brittle, so the underlying dentin is also there to give it support.


  • Dentin is the tissue that goes between the enamel and the pulp chamber. It is also quite hard, but not as much as enamel and it is very porous. It decays faster than enamel because of these characteristics.
  • It has microscopic holes in them that are known as dentinal tubules, that go from the pulp and reach the enamel or cementum (depending on the part of the tooth).


  • This part of the tooth is quite similar to bone in appearance and it covers the root portion of the tooth. It has a yellowish color and it is softer than dentin. Its job is to serve as a medium so that the periodontal ligaments attach to the tooth.
  • There are two types of cementum; cellular and acellular. The former covers about 1/3 of the tooth and it is located at the apex of the root. The latter cover the other 2/3 of the roots and it lacks cellular components.

Dental pulp:

This is the center of the tooth and it contains soft connective tissue; blood vessels and nerves. Other types of cells found in the pulp are fibroblasts, macrophages, preodontoblasts, and T lymphocytes.

Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening 2

Activated Charcoal Teeth Whitening

Activated charcoal has been on the news a lot in recent years, it has become a popular cosmetic and health ingredient and it is being used for several purposes including facial cleansing, as an additive for your hair, and even for oral hygiene as people sometimes brush their teeth with activated charcoal.

Although its uses are rather new in this field, activated charcoal has been around for quite some time and it’s been used for other purposes before.

However, today what we really want to know is if it really helps yellowing teeth become whiter.

activated charcoal

What is activated charcoal?

Activated charcoal is a substance that has been around for many, many years. In the last decade of the XX century, it began to gain popularity in household cosmetics and health products.

Back in 1834, an American doctor used activated charcoal to treat a patient that had ingested mercury chloride by accident and saved his life. Ever since many uses for it have been discovered, that is both safe and effective, and this also includes brushing your teeth.

It’s important to point out that we’re not talking about charcoal that you would use to make a barbecue, however, they both come from the same place.

Activated charcoal is a black powder, a fine black powder that comes from grinding coconut shells, bone char, coal, olive pits, sawdust, or other materials.

This charcoal is activated by processing it with high heat. This process changes the internal structure resulting in a more porous substance than regular charcoal.

The other reason it goes through this high heat treatment is to make sure that any additional substance that might be harmful to humans is eliminated. The entire chemical composition of activated charcoal has turned out to be very useful.

The way activated charcoal works is by attracting positively charged molecules with its negatively charged molecules. Toxins and gases all have a positive charge, so they become absorbed by the charcoal that has a negative charge.

One very cool advantage of this material is that it cannot be absorbed by the body, so it carries the toxins out through excretions.


Medical uses of activated charcoal

  • One of the most common uses for activated charcoal in medicine is to prevent overdoses, by drugs or other toxic substances. It is often used as an emergency poison treatment.
  • It can bind to a large number of over the counter, prescription, and recreational drugs, reducing the body’s absorption by up to 74% in adults.
  • Some physicians claim that it also improves kidney function, thanks to its toxin binding properties that reduce the number of waste products that would have to go through the kidneys to be filtered.
  • It has also been shown to lower cholesterol, since it binds to the cholesterol acids in the gut, so the body absorbs less.
  • It is also said that when applied to the face, it purifies the pores and helps to treat acne.

activated charcoal 2

Activated charcoal for teeth whitening

Recent observations have suggested that using activated charcoal for whitening teeth does seem to have a positive effect. The reasoning behind it is that the charcoal absorbs plaque and other compounds that can stain teeth, therefore, teeth should become whiter. It doesn’t neutralize the toxins, but rather binds to them.

However, there is no formal evidence that it really is effective, and the American Dental Association hasn’t approved activated charcoal products for dentistry yet.

If you are going to use activated charcoal to brush your teeth, it’s important to be careful because it can be very abrasive. Always check that the charcoal abrasiveness level is lower than 200.

Tooth Abscess Home Remedy

Tooth Abscess Home Remedy

A tooth abscess can be a very painful and uncomfortable experience. The reasons why an abscess develops in a tooth vary, but it’s always the consequence of bacteria entering the pulp and infecting the nerve tissue inside it.

This can happen if tooth decay goes past the enamel and dentin and reaching the pulp, or if a tooth is fractured, or if during treatment for a cavity, the pulp is exposed; even microscopically.

When the bacteria reach that center part of the tooth, it attacks the nerve tissue and blood vessels in it, infecting it. Then pus begins to accumulate inside until it needs to go somewhere, so it normally goes to the apex of the root, where it also attacks bone tissue and swells and causes a lot of pain.

A tooth abscess needs to be treated by a dentist, but if you’re in a place or moment where a dentist isn’t available, then there are ways to relieve some of the pain, and at least get you through the episode until you can reach your dentist.

Some of the home remedies that can be used to alleviate the discomfort include:

Tooth Abscess Home Remedy 2


  • A salt water rinse is recommended to sooth pain when you have an abscessed tooth, it is also cheap and easy to apply.
  • One advantage of salt water rinses is that it also helps with healing the wound and promotes healthy gums.
  • Mix ½ teaspoon of table salt (regular salt) in ½ cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth with the mixture and swish it around inside your mouth for two or three minutes. Spit it out. Repeat several times a day.

Baking soda:

  • Baking soda has antibacterial properties, so it helps not only with the infection in your abscessed tooth but also with removing plaque. It is also an easy and affordable option for this situation.
  • Mix ½ tablespoon of baking soda with ½ cup of water and a pinch of salt. Swish the mixture in your mouth for 5 minutes.
  • Spit out and repeat until all the mixture is used.

Oregano oil:

  • This is an oil that can be purchased at health food stores or drugstores. It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties, so it can be very helpful with reducing the swelling and the pain that comes with an abscessed tooth.
  • Take a cotton ball or swab and put some drops of oregano oil to it. Hold the swab or cotton ball with the oregano oil on the infected area for three minutes.
  • Remove the cotton ball or swab, but leave the oregano oil on for another 10 minutes. Rinse. Repeat two or three times per day.


Cold compress:

  • A cold compress can be useful to reduce swelling and pain when you have an abscessed tooth, and it is very easy and quick to use. Just take some ice cubes and place them on a dry towel.
  • Hold the towel with the ice cubes in it against the skin near the affected area. Use for 15-minute intervals. You can repeat this several times per day.

Hydrogen peroxide:

  • This is an excellent way to help with bacterial infections, including an abscessed tooth. It also helps with a plaque and if you have bleeding gums.
  • Mix equal parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide with water. Swish the solution around your mouth and spit it out.
  • Make sure you don’t swallow any of it. This can also be used several times per day.

While these methods can help you deal with the pain temporarily, it is very important that you go to the dentist as soon as possible to prevent more complications and unnecessary discomfort.