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Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist

Prevent early childhood tooth decay

Tooth decay is one of the common health issues for people of all ages, kids and toddlers are not an exception. In this article, you learn how to limit the risk of developing childhood tooth decay.

Recent studies show that around 42% of the kids between the age of 2 and 11 have at least one decayed tooth. It shows that today kids are highly prone to cavity or tooth caries.

As the milk teeth eventually fall down before the eruption of permanent teeth, many parents ignore the issue of the cavity in baby teeth. But this is more harmful to put your kid’s dental health at high risk.

If a milk tooth falls down due to decay or other issues before the tooth falls down naturally, it will provide a way for oral bacterial infection which causes toothaches in the adjacent teeth.

Similarly, if a milk tooth does not come out naturally, there will be a complication in the permanent teeth eruption. If the space produced by the missing milk teeth are left unfilled or untreated for a while, it will be closed or lost. It leads to crowded or crooked teeth and leads to the jaw misalignment which results in facial misalignment.

Thus a common and minor issue occurred in the child age will affect your kids even in their adolescent age.

How can we prevent tooth decay in young children?

Children are not aware of things and actions which affect their teeth. It is the responsibility of parents to take care of their kids’ oral health.

Poor oral hygiene due to inadequate oral routine habits and food items feed at inappropriate times are the major reasons that cause tooth caries in your child’s teeth.

Avoid feeding drinks before going to bed

Most parents give a glass of milk to their children before the child going to sleep. Few people provide fruit juices to their kids. This is also a reason for baby tooth decays. This condition is called as baby bottle tooth decay.

The sugar and acidic particles present in the drinks reside in their mouth all the night and starts infecting the teeth.
Hence it is better to avoid such kind of feeding drinks before going to bed, You can give water instead of such drinks.

Shift to cups from bottles

While sipping milk or sweet drinks, the teeth are highly exposed to acidic and sugar particles present in the drinks. Such exposure is less if we consume the drinks quickly.

Hence it is essential for every parent to use cups and tumblers for their children to drink from instead of bottles and sippy-cups once the milk teeth erupt.

Avoid Fluoride-free toothpaste

Fluoride is the powerful ingredient which confronts the bacteria and germs present in our mouth. Nowadays, you can get toothpaste containing fluoride easily in the market. It is helpful for both kids and adults.

We suggest not to brush your kid’s teeth with fluoride toothpaste if your toddler is under 3. Otherwise, use a small amount of fluoride toothpaste to clean your child’s teeth because 1350-1500 ppm fluoride in toothpaste is efficient to clean our teeth but less than 1000 ppm fluoride is enough and safer for kids.

Limit candy intake

Eatables like sweets leave sugars and acids that attack our teeth. Hence it is essential to minimize the sugary food items and chocolates for your little champs.

Advice your kids to brush their teeth after consuming candy and sweet substances.


Oral hygiene routine like brushing twice a day, flossing and others help us to remove the plaque causing agents that reside in our mouth. Hence teach your kids to maintain an efficient dental hygiene to safeguard themselves from certain dental health risks.

If you really care your little prince or princess, take him/her to a pediatric dentist to treat or cure the toddler tooth decay without delay.



Dentist Tips

Tips For Running A Successful Dental Practice

Being a dentist isn’t all about offering the best services to your clients, so much more is involved. In this article, we provide tips and suggestions on running a successful dental practice.

You may be offering the best oral health to your clients, but this alone is not enough to help you run a successful dental practice. Ignoring other aspects such as; proper management of your clinic, being organized, and always staying sharp, are important details to ensure you run a successful career. The rate of retention of the customers you have greatly depends on these and other details that may seem minor to you, and so you tend to overlook them.

Below is a list of some of the tips to follow to ensure that you run a successful dental practice.

1. Office culture

Your office culture tells a lot about your personality. It’s important to ensure that your office culture is appealing. You have to set the environment to be conducive and reflect the good aspects of your personality and that of your employees.
To be able to accomplish this, you should have a meeting with your staff and discuss the objectives, and the goals you wish to accomplish as a team. This way there will be cooperation and the atmosphere will be felt by your clients, who will keep coming back.
You can also make the decor and the physical environment of your clinic to be appealing and welcoming.

2. Discover what makes you special

How to find the right dentist

All dentists offer oral health, but the level of expertise, the prices, and even the extra services they offer vary from one dentist to another. You should be able to identify that which makes you competitive in the market and major on it.
Perfect your competitive skills and who knows, in addition to retaining the current clients, you may be able to get more clients on your list.

3. Extensive services

You should be able to come up with a way to expand the services you offer to your clients. It will ultimately help you in expanding your client base. You may think of things like moving into a bigger space so that you can accommodate more clients.
You can also improve your accessibility by creating a website on the internet. You can also increase the number of specialists in your clinics to be able to cover a wide range of oral health issues at the same time.

4. Use of dental software

Dental software provides a website where you record the patient’s records in an organized manner. By using dental software, you will be able to retrieve these records whenever you need them easily.
Using dental software will also give your clinic a sense of order.

5. Flexible payment options

You can also make your payment options more flexible. People will always prefer simple things especially when it’s about payments. You can give your clients options like credit or debit cards, insurance covers, and even cash. This way, your clients will be comfortable coming back again and again because they have many paying options.

6. Ensure that your staff is properly trained

As stated before, your clinic is not all about the oral health of your clients. The first impression your clients get when they enter your clinic matters a lot. Ensure that you, therefore, invest a lot on the front desk.
It’s not only the receptionist at the clinic; it’s all about the workers in the clinic even the one that receives calls. They should be welcoming in how they interact with your clients so that the clients are more willing to come back or call back at another time.

7. Develop a personal relationship with your clients

Studies have shown that people are more willing to go to places where they feel a connection. Aside from giving them the best services and being available for them at all times, you can also engage your clients.
Let them tell you how they are doing not only physically but also emotionally. Reach out to them in a way that builds trust between you and them. This way, they will always find it easy to come to you.


A dentist is one of the kinds of doctors that is very personal to many people. There are several tips you are supposed to follow to maintain this relationship with your clients. Engage your clients and let them trust you enough to feel comfortable telling you how they feel emotionally and even psychologically. Ensure that the environment around your clinic and all your staff are welcoming, utilize the dental software that suits your needs best and also expand the services you offer. These are some of the tips that will help you run a successful dental practice.

Encouraging Oral Health in Children

Encouraging Oral Health in Children – Tips for Parents

Oral health is an integral part of the overall health of children and is just as important as the oral health of adults. It’s never too early to begin teaching good oral hygiene to children. In this article, we will provide tips on how to encourage your child to take care of their teeth.

Behaviors learned at an early age tend to stick with your children throughout life and can significantly improve your child’s overall health. The need for this is increasingly important as tooth decay among children is on the rise in Australia and all over the world.

In fact, tooth decay is the number one chronic disease affecting children under the age of 18. This is an astounding fact but can be eliminated if children are encouraged to take care of their teeth.

As a parent, it’s our responsibility to help children develop proper oral health and get appropriate dental care. Here are some tips.

Encourage children to brush their teeth

When it comes to maintaining healthy teeth, the same rules apply for children as for adults. That is to brush twice a day for two minutes after breakfast and dinner.

However, getting your children to brush is a difficult part, you can get advice from dental nurses as they are registered with APHRA and have completed nurse bridging course in Australia and are hereby authorized to help patients in maintaining dental health. They will help you create a routine which gets your child to brush every day.

Also, make brushing fun as children find it boring to brush their teeth. For example, play a song while they brush their teeth. When the song ends, they know that they can rinse their mouth and know they are done with their oral routine.

You can also make a game out of brushing, give your child stickers as a prize when they are done with the brushing and make a wall chart to place those stickers on so they can see the progress they have gained. Set a target for a week and once they hit the target goal without missing, they get a special treat.

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Use a small amount of toothpaste

When you are encouraging your child to brush their teeth, use a small amount of toothpaste as too much toothpaste can create a lot of unnecessary foam. Try sticking to a small, pea-sized amount of toothpaste on the brush.

Also, be sure to help your child learn to spit out the toothpaste after they have finished with brushing as swallowing toothpaste can cause fluorosis which leads to spots on the teeth. Teach your child to brush lightly and not too hard, forceful brushing can push the gums up making it more difficult to prevent cavities and can cause bleeding.

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Eat healthy meals

The first concern for parents should be what goes into your child’s mouth. The foods and drinks your child consumes are just as important as any dental care can be. Nutritious food such as vegetables, fruits, protein and whole grains can contribute to a healthy mouth while foods with high sugar content, can lead to tooth decay and other chronic health conditions. Limiting the amount of sugar children eat such as candy and sugary beverages can help avoid early tooth decay.

Another important fact regarding nutrition is to have your child consume more dairy such as yogurt and cottage cheese. Also, keep an eye on the nutritional value of the products your child consumes.

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Discourage your child from sucking thumb

Thumb sucking is common in children and is their way of comforting themselves. It also helps soothe sore gums at the time of teething. However, there is nothing to fear about it, but you don’t want the habit to persist after about age three.

Studies have shown that thumb-sucking after age 3 can negatively affect a child’s oral health so it’s your responsibility to discourage them from sucking their thumb. You can try diverting their mind and engage them in an activity that needs both hands or try a reward based system.

This habit, over time, can deform and alter the structure of the jaw and teeth. You would then have to take your child to a dentist who with the help of dental technician would have to place an object inside the oral cavity of the child to rectify the teeth.

Dental technicians are people who fabricate dentures and other dental appliances to help rectify the problems with teeth and oral cavity. They undergo an in-depth training and hold a diploma in dental technology before being employed in a dental lab. There are multiple means of discouraging this habit of thumb-sucking. Do your research to determine what might be the best approach for your child.

Regularly visit the dentist

Consistent visits to the dentist office are beneficial for your child’s dental health. While brushing and flossing are great habits, regular visits to the dentist are just as essential.

Dental professionals can often foresee dental problems well before they might occur, such as cavities and misalignments. When treated in these early stages, the issues are usually less troublesome and less expensive to deal with. By not taking your child to the dentist every six months for a regular dental check-up, you are instilling in him or her that oral health is not important.

Children who do not go to the dentist regularly have more cavities that need fillings than children who have regular appointments. The last thing you want is to have your child with a mouthful of fillings. It is critical to teach the importance of oral health before your child’s adult teeth comes in as that set will need to last them a lifetime.

Make sure your child visits the dentist every six months. However, a trip to dentist office can be overwhelming for many children, but not anymore. Take your child to a pediatric dentist as they are specially trained in caring for tiny teeth and will often have toys or play areas to comfort your child while they wait.

What’s most important is that you have a knowledgeable and a friendly dentist who can educate you and your child on the appropriate care of the teeth. You should take your child to the dentist as soon as the first tooth comes in, or by their first birthday.

When it comes to oral health care for children, it’s all about education and making oral care fun. Find what tactics work best for your children, so you can adopt a routine that keeps them happily brushing every day.

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Crossbite Correction and How to Straighten Your Smile

Do you find yourself worried about your smile? Do you smile with your lips closed, and feel embarrassed? Do you cover your mouth because you have a crossbite problem? Learn how to straighten your smile.

When the upper and lower teeth do not meet up as they should, this can affect your smile, your self-confidence and lead to other health issues.

The good news is that dental treatments through orthodontists, specialized in their field via orthodontic continuing education, are available to help straighten misaligned bites and give you a better, beautiful smile.

What Happens If You Have a Misaligned Bite?

Keep in mind that a misaligned bite usually occurs when the upper set of teeth end up covering the lower ones when they meet. Throughout the mouth, the teeth can be misaligned. In addition to improper alignment, this affects the appearance of the lips, teeth and the mouth, causing headaches, dental decay, gum diseases, and muscle pain.

According to orthodontists at Gerety Orthodontic Seminars,:

A crosstie at the backside of the teeth can cause grinding of the teeth, jaw problems, abnormal development of the face and wearing of the teeth.

The Treatment Options for Crossbites

According to most orthodontists, the best option for the treatment of misaligned bites all depends on the age of the person with the problem, as well as the type of misalignment. However, the common types of treatment for problems like a crossbite include:

  • Removal of the teeth
  • Jaw surgery
  • Dental restorations
  • Braces as well as some other appliances


When it comes to crossbites, the best option in the treatment includes the use of braces. These help to move the lower and upper teeth at a gradual pace align them and strengthen them to correct the position of the bite.

In most cases, the braces include traditional ones with metallic braces. However, with modern innovations, adults and children who are conscious about their appearance when wearing braces can opt for other options such as Invisalign braces.

As their name suggests, they are clear aligners that help to improve the shape of the jaw and teeth. The treatment option for Invisalign could last for a shorter period, compared to metallic ones, which require 1-2 years of constant wear.

Invisalign, on the other hand, are removable aligners, making it easier for you eat meals and even brush. Before making the final decision to wear braces or not, it is important that you consult an orthodontic specialist over a general dentist since they have more experience when it comes to alignment of the teeth.

Palatal Expanders

Orthodontists also use palatal expanders to help increase the size of the upper jaw. They fix expanders that attach to the molars of the upper jaw and gradually widen the upper jaw with a special key, even though removable expanders fit into the upper palate and they are wearable at night.

Using removable expanders is a good choice since they are suitable for adults as well and they require a small amount of adjustment.

Tooth Removal


Orthodontists, when treating children and adults may want to remove the teeth in order to make some more room for the lower teeth to move back before they fit the braces. This is a good option as well; however, it requires a lot of care and precise attention to the jaw and alignment of the teeth.


Orthodontists also use headgears they put on the head and the face, attached to the patient’s teeth with wires. These force the teeth and the jaw from the headgear, slow or increase the growth of the jaws over time; this makes this an effective treatment in teenagers as well as children.

Dental Restorations

Reshaping, bonding, and capping of the teeth could help to improve the mild case of crossbites or misaligned bites. For more on how this option helps crossbites, you can consult an orthodontist near you.


For adult patients, surgical assistance can be the best treatment, especially for those whose jaw stops growing. The surgeon would break the upper jaw into some sections, after the procedure, the patient then has to wear a special device that helps to mold the shape of the teeth. This helps to set the lower jaw back to its original, normal position.

Clear Braces Help to Retain the Teeth for a Lifetime

Clear Braces Help to Retain the Teeth

Keep in mind that the ultimate goal of any experienced dental care provider who has spent time in continuing education is to retain the patient’s teeth for a longer time, often for life.

The benefits of choosing to wear dental, clear braces actually extend way beyond just a pretty smile. Wearing clear braces tends to offer patients the chance to straighten teeth, at the same time; it helps to boost self-esteem daily. Even though every patient is not actually a suitable candidate for braces or Invisalign, they prove to provide an effective improvement in oral health.

With advancements in technology, dentists also continue to search for the best options to cure the problems of crossbites. For further information on the treatment options, the cost, and answers to any questions you have before the treatment, it is best that you visit experienced healthcare providers in your area.

Dental Hacks to Help Make You Smile

Dental Hacks to Help Make You Smile

While many people know the basics of dental health, there are many small life hacks you can make to your life that can help improve your oral health.

These life hacks may seem small, but when they are done together, and consistently, they can make huge changes. From oil pulling to taking advantage of technology to eating the right foods, there are many things any of us can do to improve our oral health!

We all know the basics of maintaining positive oral health: visit the dentist regularly, brush twice a day, and floss once a day. However, there are many small changes that anyone can make in their life that can improve their oral health. These hacks are designed to help maintain positive oral health with ease. These small life hacks, when done consistently, can make huge improvements to a person’s oral health.


Food bad for your teeth

We are familiar with what we should avoid eating: heavy sugar foods like candy, cake, and cookies, as well as highly acidic foods that can break down the teeth’s enamel. However, many people are not familiar with what to eat to improve their oral health.

First, calcium is a major component of ensuring healthy teeth and bones. Dairy is the best way to incorporate calcium into your life, but also look to non-dairy alternatives like almond milk or calcium pills/chews.

Food heavy in vitamin C is also highly effective in keeping the gums healthy.

Crunchy fruits and vegetables are also helpful because they get into nooks and crannies while being eaten and can help to remove food particles. This healthy alternative is a great dessert replacement since it can help clear out the food particles left in your mouth after dinner.

Oil Pulling

This method is discredited by many simply because they can’t believe it works! Studies have shown that oil pulling can help remove bacteria from the mouth and also freshen the breath.

For those with a persistent dry mouth, it also coats the mouth to aid in preventing that from occurring. The procedure is very simple.

Take any oil (coconut oil is recommended and works well) and swish around a few tablespoons in the mouth for about 10 – 20 minutes. Oil pulling also pulls toxins from the body, so it is important not to swallow the oil used for the pulling.

While this should not replace brushing and flossing, using it as an additional oral health aid is a smart choice.

Brushing Enough

You would actually be surprised knowing how many people do not brush their teeth for long enough. The ideal time is 2 minutes (about 30 seconds per quadrant), but many people will brush for less time.

Grab the kitchen timer or set an alarm on your phone to make sure you are brushing for the full amount of time. Even easier? Pick your favorite song that is around 2 minutes long and play it while brushing.

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Rinse Properly

While items like coffee, soda, juice, and other sugary drinks should be eliminated, this is not always possible for some. But just because you are drinking these items, doesn’t mean there are no preventive steps to take.

The simplest method is to rinse your mouth out with water anytime you drink one of these beverages. It allows you to enjoy them, but not let them cause damage to your oral health.

Quit Smoking

There are many, many reasons to consider quitting smoking cigarettes. For your oral health, it is important to remember that smokers are four times more likely to develop a form of gum disease when compared to non-smokers.

We understand that it is easier said than done, but investigating methods to help you stop smoking is not only amazing for your health—it is also helpful for your wallet.

Quitting smoking will not only save you money by not buying cigarettes, it will also save you money on future dental procedures that may have been necessary.

Take Advantage of Technology

The amazing advances in treatments and technology that have taken place in the dental field over the past few years are astounding! Many people that avoided a dental procedure or have put up with less than stellar dental work could find much easier solutions.

For example, gum surgery was previously an invasive procedure, but by using lasers, it is now a much easier procedure for both the dentist and the patient.

There are also many people dealing with issues associated with old metal fillings including cracks, temperature restriction, and unsightly appearance.

However, new technology has given us tooth-colored fillings that are stronger and more visually appealing. You may be able to upgrade your fillings and improve your smile easily.

Sugar-Free Gum to the Rescue!

Chewing gum is a slippery slope. Some chew gum with sugar in it that can cause more cavities to form on the teeth. Also, some people chew it too often, which can damage the teeth.

However, finding a balance can greatly help your overall health. Sugar-free gum with xylitol is an amazing method of getting debris out of your teeth after a meal, especially if you are not able to brush your teeth.

For those with dry mouth issues or halitosis, chewing sugar-free gum can help fight them. The chewing stimulates saliva flow, and the gum itself fights the bacteria that form in the mouth.

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Think Cosmetically

Some procedures are thought of as cosmetic treatments, such as teeth whitening, veneers, and dental implants. But these procedures can also have helpful impacts on oral health as well.

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Teeth whitening make future stains and issues more noticeable, while more invasive procedures like dental implants can greatly improve a person’s oral health when a tooth or teeth are missing.

How to find the right dentist

How to Find the Right Dentist

Going to the dentist can be stressful for anyone, but finding the right dentist can make all of the difference in the world. In this article, we help you to find that right dentist.

If you’re ready to switch dentists, or if you’ve recently moved to a new area, finding the right dentist can be a challenge. However, we’ve rounded up the top tips you can use to find your perfect dentist.

Tip One: Start Your Search Using the Basics

Finding your new dentist doesn’t have to be a stressful search, just start with the basics and work your way up. This will give you a solid foundation to start your search with.

Check Your Insurance

Check your insurance

Visiting the dentist can be an expensive trip, and you have to make sure your insurance has dental benefits.

If you have a dental HMO, you may be very limited on which dentist you can choose as they must be in your HMO’s network. If you have a PPO dental plan, visiting an in-network dentist can significantly change your co-payment amounts.

Read more about the different dental plans here.

Consider Accessibility

Do you want a dental office that is closer to your home or your work? Can you be flexible when it comes to appointment scheduling? These things matter when you have a busy schedule.

You should also ask what happens in the event of a dental emergency. Does your dentist offer emergency dental? If they do, do you have to be there at a certain time? Check the normal office hours as well because if you work a traditional 9 to 5 job, a Saturday may be your best day to get an appointment.

Know Your Dentist’s Credentials

Ideally, your dentist of choice should be a member of the American Dental Association (ADA), a local dental society, or the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD).

If your dentist is a member of one of these dental organizations, they’ll have access to up-to-date information and resources to lean on for additional help.

They’ll also have several guidelines they’ve sworn to uphold including to do no harm, do good, and be fair.

Tip Two: Start Your Search

Now that you have a good idea of the basic things you’ll want to look for in your new dentist, you can start your search. You’ll most likely notice online ads, radio announcements, and print ads advertising a variety of dental services.

Decide What Type of Dentist You Need

Dentist office to remove wisdom teeth

The next step is deciding what type of dentist you need. If you have kids, you may want to consider a family dental practitioner.

You may also find many ‘cosmetic dentists‘ available, and this simply means that they’re able to do cosmetic dental treatments.

A pedodontist works with children, endodontists are root canal specialists, periodontists work with gum disease, and an orthodontist specializes in braces and bites.

A general dentist may also perform some of these things, or they’ll be able to refer you to a specialist.

Check Local Dental Societies

Your local dental society should be able to give you a list of reputable dentists in your specific area. You can also use the American Dental Association’s Find a Dentist search tool. You can search by name, specialty, and location.

A trusted friend or relative is also another great resource when you’re searching for your next dentist.

If you don’t have dental insurance, this State Dental Association list can give you a starting point to finding low-cost, reputable dentists.

Look at Social Media

Look at the social profile of your dentist

When you’ve found a few dentists, check their social media pages. You also want to check their websites.

Read reviews, complaints, and see how well they resolve any issues. This can give you a good idea of how solid their reputation is, as well as how well they run their dental offices.

Tip Three: Do a Meet and Greet

Take a few of your top choices and call to schedule a meet and greet. Tell them that you’re new to the area, and you’d like to come into the office and meet the staff. You can even schedule a consultation with the dentist while you’re there.

Ask Questions

Before you go to your meet and greet, make a complete list of questions you want to ask your dentist or the dental staff.

You want to find out which services the dentist performs in the office and which ones they’ll refer you for.

Make sure to ask about how the office handles emergency dental appointments. Are the office staff familiar with your insurance and do they offer payment plans or financial plans for treatment cost?

Finally, ask how far in advance dental appointments are scheduled out.

Set up an Appointment and Evaluate

Set up a consultation with the dentist of your choice. Once the consultation is finished, evaluate your visit.

You want the dental office to be clean, neat, and orderly, and think about how the staff acted throughout your visit.

Were they courteous and helpful? Did the dentist address all of your concerns and were you comfortable during your consultation? Was the office child-friendly?

Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist

Did they handle your private medical history with the discretion you expected?

If you were happy with your visit and you had all of your questions answered, congratulations, you’ve found your new dentist. If you weren’t happy, move on to the next dentist on your list.

To conclude

The process of finding the right dentist for you may take some time to get right, but the payoff is worth it. You’ll have a professional and reputable dentist that you’re comfortable visiting whenever you have to have dental work done.

The best apps to help your toddler brushing

The Best Apps to Help Your Toddler Like Brushing

When your baby starts to teeth, brushing daily is crucial to prevent cavities and tooth decay. This can, however, be a struggle since your child probably doesn’t like it at all. These apps can help your toddler to like brushing.

As soon as teeth start to erupt in your baby’s mouth they become exposed to bacteria that can cause cavities. It is important to prevent cavities and tooth decay from happening since it can cause serious problems and discomfort with your child.

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Getting your toddler to like brushing can, however, be quite a struggle, since he/she is likely not too keen on getting some weird thing stuck in their mouths. Unless of course, your toddler thinks of this him/herself. In that case, it is OK to stick whatever in their mouths… Weird creatures.

Nevertheless, it is essential to make brushing part of your daily routine. Making brushing fun can help quite a bit. These 8 apps help to get your toddler to like brushing.

Disney Magic Timer App

Disney Magic Timer App

Price: Free

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With this app your child can brush with his or her favorite character. Different characters can be unlocked after successful 2miunte of brushing such as Winnie the Pooh, Mickey Mouse, Yoda, Iron Man, and 19 more characters.

After each brushing session, your child collects a new sticker from the character that is stored in the character’s album.

You do have to get a Crest or Oral-B Pro-Health Stage product, which needs to be scanned to start.


Aquafresh Brush Time

Aquafresh Brush TimePrice: Free

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The Aquafresh brush time app helps your child to brush. Brush together with the funny Aquafresh toothpaste character, which dances and brushes on some happy music.

Every 30 seconds your child will be instructed to change sides, making sure all sides are covered. After brushing your child will earn stars.

Toothsavers Brushing Game

Toothsavers Brushing Game

Price: Free

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The Toothsavers brushing game has a nice storyline, in which your child has to save a town from the spell that was cast on the inhabitant’s teeth by a witch.

By brushing you can unlock new toothsaver characters, great for stimulating your child to brush!


Brusheez app

Price: Free

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With the Brusheez app you can choose and update your own character. You can have some simple interactions with the character by tapping it.

You can recreate the teeth of your child, so your child can really identify with the character. By starting the timer a toothbrush shows your child where to brush, which is a really nice feature of this app.

Chomper Chums

Chomper Chums app

Price: Free

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With the Chomper Chums app you can choose from three animal characters to start brushing.

Your child can learn how to brush, floss and rinse with nice videos. Each time your child brushes he/she can earn points for treats for the animal friends. Fun times!

Brush Teeth With Momo

Brush Teeth With Momo

Price: Free

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In the Brush teeth with Momo app you can feed, dress, and brush the teeth of Momo. Momo is a friendly and fluffy character that your kids will definitely like.

Choose the toothbrush and toothpaste you want to brush Momo’s teeth with and Momo will show your child which areas of the teeth to brush and how long. A great app to make brushing fun!


Brush with Jackson

Brush with Jackson app

Price: Free
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Jackson is a lovable yellow rabbit that brushes his teeth together with your child’s.

Click the brush and the magic starts. Not really instructive to your child on how to brush his/her teeth, but fun and stimulating nevertheless.

Brush DJ app

Brush DJ app

Price: Free

Download the app

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The Brush DJ app makes brushing fun. It plays your child’s favorite song for two minutes with the colors you like.

You can also watch videos on how to brush your teeth, set an alarm to remind you to brush twice a day and to go to your dental appointment.